The F-Word

5:32 AM | 0 Comments

Because I'm on my way out of the institution known as "school," people like to ask me about my future (which is the f-word, though sometimes I'd like to respond with a very different f-word).

What are my plans? Where am I going to grad school? What's happening after graduation?

It happens every day. Which is astounding, really, because that means I'm coming into contact with someone I'm moderately acquainted with but haven't talked to in a while every single day. I had no idea I knew that many people who were the least bit interested in my f*ture.

I suppose I'm flattered; I don't really know.

Searching for jobs for which to apply can be fruitful some days and pointless other days. In an attempt to cast a wide net, I'm looking for jobs in a variety of categories that interest me, not strictly writing. Writing jobs are scarce these days, anyway.

Besides, I'm not a one-dimensional person with only one interest. I'm a very well-rounded person in fact, and as such I have a wide variety of interests. Having a one-dimensional job would be a nightmare. I'd like a multidimensional job that encompasses several things I'm interested in. Too much to ask? I don't think so.

In an effort to widen my search parameters, I decided to take all sorts of aptitude tests online just to see if perhaps there was some particular thing I have a natural inclination or affinity for subconsciously.

As expected, though much to my disappointment, my results returned things like "outdoors" and "education" and "non profit work" and "writing/publishing" and "agriculture." How I missed the boat on agriculture, by the way, I have no idea.

Anyway, it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, which was kind of frustrating. Maybe a little comforting that I at least know myself that well.

Somedays I'd really just like to give up and enlist in Star Fleet. I think I'd look good in one of those blue sweaters.


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