It came to my attention this week that J.D. Salinger recently died at the ripe old age of 91 or something like that. Naturally, this has caused all sorts of major upset in the literary world and whatnot.

I mean, boo hoo and stuff, but really? I feel like if you chose to live your life as a recluse, you're kind of dead to the world anyway, right?

Personally, I thought JD was dead like forty years ago. Apparently not. I just don't know how to mourn a person who intentionally removed himself from society ages ago.

And now, of course, Catcher in the Rye will be all over the place. People will laud it's literary-ness instead of seeing it as like 200 pages of some pubescent boy bitching about school. Because I'm sure nobody has ever heard that before.

Really freakin' original, buddy.

And, just for giggles, here's the official news release from The Onion. It will only be funny if you've read six sentences of Catcher. Not even six consecutive sentences. Just six sentences from any variety of parts of the book.


HelloKittyPink said...

Hi... I'm Kristen and I recently started a blog and I got bored and started clicking that "Next Blog" thing that's sometimes on the top of the page and I stumbled upon your blog from being at school. I read some of it and found myself laughing. Out loud. And then I saw you made a new one and decided to read it, once again, laughing. So, I'm not really sure what else to say, except hi? I'm really sorry if this is a little creepy. Just had to say something.

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